It’s A Fact! See Why You Need Printed Promotional Products

In our third installment of our series on printed promotional products, we look at some hard facts customized notepadsabout promotional products and what your consumers really think about using them and receiving them. It’s a fact that not only your customers will love getting your promotional item, such as a customized notepad, but that they are one of the most used items that customers use. Those getting your branded promotional products have a significantly more positive image of your company than those who do not receive promotional products. They’re tangible, useful and highly targeted to the audience they reach, delivering the highest rate of recall and return on investment.

In a random survey of people who reported receiving a promotional product in the last 12 months, 76% of those could recall the name of the advertiser on the promotional products. Keep in mind this could be 12 months ago that they received the item and yet they still remember the company. Still not convinced? In comparison, only 53% of those participants could recall the name of an advertiser that they had seen in a magazine or newspaper in the previous week. In the same study, 52% of those receiving the promotional product did business with the advertiser after receiving the promotional item. Items like custom printed notepads, get used at least once per week and most of those same participants kept their promotional items for at least a year.

Direct Marketing

The use of promotional items as an incentive to respond, generated four times as many responses than a sales letter alone. Items that can be included in direct marketing pieces include:

Recipients receiving promotional products spent 27% more than coupon recipients and were more likely to return within 8 months. You will also find more referrals and more name recognition with the use of items like custom notepads.

The value of a promotional item is in their ability to carry a message to a well-defined audience. Since these items are so useful, customized promotional items are a great investment and a great way to brand your business. To learn more about how you can customize your next order, contact Captain Notepad at 888-268-7237. Follow us on Facebook and LinkedIn to learn more about our products and how we can help grow your business.

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