Making guests comfortable is job number one for hotels. After all, happy guests come back again and again. And whether they’re traveling on business or for pleasure, guests can always use a pen and paper to take notes on nearby restaurants, make a list of things to do during their stay or write down everyone’s […]
Keeping Track of Your Daily Tasks
There are so many things you need to do, and so many ways to keep track of those to-dos. Search the App Store for “to do list” and you’ll find thousands of tools that all promise to help you increase your productivity and get more done.
Benefits of Monogrammed Notepads
Do you run a boutique hotel or bed and breakfast? It’s standard to find a small notepad in a guest’s hotel room to use for notes during their travels. Take a closer look at your customized notepad. Is it conveying your message and are you taking advantage of all the real estate on the notepad?