Leading Notepad Company, Captain Notepad, Releases its 2014 Year in Review Summary

Captain Notepad reviews the 2014 year including the new products and additions to the team.

November 24, 2014—Englewood, CO—Captain Notepad (www.captainnotepad.com), a producer of image personalized calendars, custom notepads, magnetic notepads, and other promotional items, today released its Year in Review for 2014. Captain Notepad experienced significant year over year growth and exceeded yearly expectations. Highlights from this year include adding lead pressman Steve Braigiel, Ultimate Mag-Pad product, high demand for image personalized calendars, and the extension of its envelope printing business through a new machine by XANTÉ.


All these pieces together have made Captain Notepad a success in 2014. The new lead pressman comes to captain Notepad with years of industry experiences, making him an integral part of the Captain Notepad team. “Steve has proven to us that he is a team player but also has played a big role in enhanced our products that we offer to our clients,” notes Jace Rogat, President at Captain Notepad.


The release of the Ultimate Mag-Pad has brought new excitement to the product line of Captain Notepad. Business can now take advantage of all the real estate on notepads, leaving no blank spaces. Businesses can take advantage of the normally blank backing on magnetic notepads and include their logo, business name, and useful information like a calendar or sports schedule,” explains Jace Rogat, President at Captain Notepad. He continues, “Think of it as a notepad and promotional magnet all in one.”


Due to its popularity the 2015 image personalized calendars have seen tremendous growth in just the past few months. Personalized calendars, otherwise known as variable data calendars, are an affordable and effective way for anyone to create completely unique marketing and promotional gifts that will keep a brand in front of a customer or potential customer all year long. Personalized calendars uses variable data, where elements such as text and graphics, can be changed from one printed piece to the next without stopping or slowing down the printing process while using information from a database. The Captain Notepad website allows for easy ordering, where customers provide Captain Notepad with a list of all the names that are intended for use. This means customers are not ordering the same name for each calendar, instead, customers place one order and provide a list of all the names intended for use. There are three options to choose from when ordering personalized calendars: magnetic, desktop, and wall calendars.


Along with new products and employees, Captain Notepad has added new machinery to its lineup as part of its extension of the envelope printing business. The new machine by XANTÉ has exceeded the demands of its clients and their promotional notepad needs.


“This year has been very successful for us at Captain Notepad,” adds Jace Rogat, President at Captain Notepad. He continues, “We’ve added a lot of great resources and products to our team and have been busier than ever. We’re looking forward to 2015 and releasing the new products we have in store for our clients. Stay tuned for what’s to come.”


About Captain Notepad (https://www.captainnotepad.com)

Captain Notepad is the leading manufacturer of customized notepads and promotional items specializing in creative solutions to help brand a company’s product and grow their business. Through competitive prices and great customer service, Captain Notepad has become the best source for custom notepads. What sets Captain Notepad apart is the short production time including rush production on most of the custom printed notepads.


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