The Holiday Season is not too far away, so it’s time to start thinking about what you need during this special time of year. We have a few ideas to share that will help get you ready for the Holidays and your clients will love it. By doing things to prepare for the holidays now, it can prevent some of the last minute errands, budget problems and emotional headaches associated with the time of year.

Try these tips this year and you’ll be looking forward to the season with each passing month instead of shaking your head with disbelief it has arrived so quickly!

1. Making lists

Making a few lists is the very first thing you should do to prepare for the Holidays. Use your favorite customized notebook or create a document on your computer that can be transferred to your smartphone, such as the Notes app, Lists app, or a Word document. Start making a list of who you’ll need to buy gifts for and note any ideas for their gifts you already have.

We recommend making two lists to start, one for your clients that you want to send a thank you and a friendly reminder of who you are and one list of those you want to give a gift to.

2. Prepare a budget

Sending out gifts and cards can be expensive. When putting together your budget, you should set aside a budget for cards, small gifts (like customized notepads, and more personalized gifts such as customized calendars).

3. Think outside the box

Don’t just send a holiday card with your business card, instead include something you know custom notepadsyour clients will use all year long. Captain Notepad offers a variety of affordable customized notepads, calendars, pens, and much more. Useful items like these are a great way for your clients to keep your company on top of their mind beyond the Holiday season.

4. Set a date to order

It’s easy to get busy and put off ordering those holiday gifts and cards. Unfortunately, many of us keep pushing it off till it’s too late. Set a date on your calendar so that you put aside time to order what you need. Give yourself a two day reminder incase you know something is going to come up and you can reschedule your time on the calendar to do your orders. This will greatly reduce your stress and keep you on top of holiday shopping.

5. Know when to mail them

Now that you have your items, don’t let them just sit in your office till it’s too late and you have to rush to the post office to mail everything. Set another calendar reminder so that you allow enough time to mail what you need.

When setting your calendar to remind you of these important things to do. It’s important to start with the last date of when you want your clients to receive their special gifts. Then, start working backwards with when to put them in the mail, when to sort and address them, when to order, and finally when to shop.

Follow us on our blog to learn more about how to prepare for the upcoming Holiday season. We will provide great tips as well as suggested gifts that your clients will love.

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