Captain Notepad, Inc.
Magnetic Adhesive Strips | Sticky Magnet Strips

Shop Our Sticky Magnet Strips Although sticky magnet strips might sound like a simple stationery tool, they are the perfect way to showcase your brand. These adhesive magnetic strips can attach to the back of custom notepads, so you can place them on a fridge in the office, ensuring that your brand and its message is visible to a broad scope of people. Whether it be clients, prospective customers, or employees, these sticky magnet strips will ensure that your company values and important information sits at the forefront of people’s minds. Magnet strips make your branded notepads accessible to many people. They are an affordable, yet powerful, marketing tool. All you have to do is choose the number of magnet strips you would like, and we’ll do the rest of the work. Of course, our adhesive magnetic strips have a number of practical qualities. They are excellent for organization and jotting down important notes and reminders. Magnetic notepads go the extra mile by showing the public that you are proud of your brand and what it represents.

Add an adhesive magnetic strip to the backside of your notepad to create added value! Great for shopping and to do lists. Please note that the sticky magnet strips are shipped in bulk, and do not come pre-attached to the notepads unless requested.

Normal Production Time: 2 Working Days.
Product Size: 1.0 in x 2.0 in.
Must be ordered in increments of 50

Captain Notepad specializes in custom printed memo pads. Our target industries include Real Estate Brokers, Medical Office Marketing, Dentists, Local Contractors and Insurance Agents. Let us help you with promotional items and event marketing. 


Price Calculator

Unit Price:$0.50
Total : $25.00

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Estimated Total : $25.00