Need a way to tell your customers about your special upcoming event or to tell them “Thanks!� Custom printed, UV coated greeting cards are a great product to put your personal touch on. Printed in full-color (four color process) front and back, outside and inside, and scored to fold easy come with plain white envelopes included.
Perfect for any type of announcement including Thank You, customer appreciation, congratulations, get well, general wishes, friendship, company holiday thoughts, bonus handouts, thinking of you, new home, new baby, new engagement, baby showers, new job, customer loyalty programs, anniversary, years of service acknowledgement, weddings, births, retirements, reunions, greetings, moving / relocation, grand openings, special events, volunteer work, season’s greetings, sport recognition, party announcements, save the date, etc.
Normal Production Time:
8 Working Days
Product Size:
5 in. x 7 in. Folded (10 in. x 7 in Flat Size)
Product Weight:
10 Lbs per 500 cards and envelopes.
Made In:
United States
Additional Information:
Plain white envelopes are included. UV-Coated on outside only. Cards are shipped flat with a score to make it easy to fold. Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on both sides, UV-coating on outside of card only, and plain white envelopes. Exact color matches, metallic or fluorescent colors cannot be printed in full-color.>
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