Need a way to tell your customers about your special upcoming event or to tell them “Thanks!�... now you can include your business card inside the greeting card with the business cards slits! Custom printed, UV coated greeting cards with business card slits are a great product to put your personal touch on. Printed in full-color (four color process) front and back, outside and inside, and scored to fold easy come with plain white envelopes included.
Normal Production Time:
8 Working Days
Product Size:
7 in. x 5 in. Folded (7 in. x 10 in Flat Size)
Product Weight:
5 lbs per 100 cards and envelopes
Made In:
United States
Additional Information:
Business Cards are not included with product. Landscape orientation. Plain white envelopes are included. UV-Coated on outside only. Business Card Slits are die cut into the card. Cards are shipped flat with a score to make it easy to fold. Price includes printing in full-color (four color process) on both sides, UV-coating on outside of card only, and plain white envelopes. Exact color matches, metallic or fluorescent colors cannot be printed in full-color.
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