Captain Notepad, Inc.
Custom Skinny Mini Memo Board
If you have a business card you can use the Magnetic Business Card Mini Memo Boards to keep your name in front of customers.

Available in 48 hours or less, you can have an instant imprinted gift item for trade shows and sales meetings, or use for sales calls and prospecting. Simply peel off the protective liner and press your business card onto the exposed adhesive for an instant imprinted specialty item.

Product Size
3.5 in. x 9 in.

6.0 lbs per 100 pieces

Country of Manufacture
United States

Additional Information
Price includes a skinny mini memo board with stock or custom art and erasable pen. Pen holder is die cut at bottom of product. No custom imprint available. Available in increments of 100 only. Available to ship within 48 hours or less.

Must be ordered in increments of 100