Captain Notepad, Inc.
Full Color Flyers (11 x 17)

Full Color Flyers are a great way to advertise your Home For Sale, Community Theatre Production, Fundraiser or important Town Meeting. 11x17 flyers are effective marketing tools used to communicate your message to prospective and current customers.

Normal Production Time: 8 Working Days.
Product Size: 11 in. x 17 in.
Product Weight: 14.0 lbs per 100 pieces.
Additional Information: Price includes full color flyer printing (full color process*) on both sides, and 30 minutes of graphic design time. Each additional 15 minute increment will incur an additional $15.00.
Printed on 10 point Matte paper.

*Metallic or fluorescent colors cannot be printed in full-color (four color process).
NOTE: Must be ordered in increments of 100.

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.

Price Calculator

Unit Price:$0.95
Total : $95.00

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Estimated Total : $95.00